Freesia Tianyue Pi                                                           Everywhere, nowhere



Everywhere, nowhere

2024 Goldsmiths Postgraduate Degree Show
Space 164, Lockwood Annexe 5,
Goldsmiths SE14 6NW

Private view: Thursday, 11th July 6-9pm

Open to public: Friday, 12th – Tuesday, 16th July (Closed on Sunday, 14th July)

Exhibition Poster Designed by
Freesia Tianyue Pi


‘The home does not remain the domain of domestic life, nor does the world simply become its social or historical counterpart. The unhomely is the shock of recognition of the world-in-the home, the home-in-the-world.’ (Bhabha, Homi K. 1992, p141.)1

In ‘Everywhere, nowhere’, found domestic textile and home wear garments were glued and sewed together duplicating soft versions of a concrete screen wall leaf block, the construction brick block created from mass production, representing a once ubiquitous modern architecture. The fragmented plaster baluster fastened by strips of domestic fabric reflects the precariousness of today’s living status. The physical and mental fragility of today’s living space hides behind the interior floral cosiness. A space is formed, lying between ‘the world-in-home, the home-in-the-world’. The borderline of domestic life and the world is vanishing. The comfort is delicate, is wobbling. Disorientation is driven by mass-produced materials and a singular method of copy and paste. Questioning the relocation of self and culture, we ended up everywhere but nowhere.

Freesia’s work focuses on various materials and media to embody spatial and cultural experiences through reconstructing personal reminiscences by painting, stitching, knitting, hand-building, and installing to reveal the sensations and interactions which might have been unconscious in the past. Her works condense the sensory experiences obtained from travelling, daily life and her artistic research, along with the reflection on the present life under globalisation and mass production, where the threshold between home and the world is dissolving.

Bhabha, Homi K. (1992) ‘The World and the home’ Social Text, no. 31(32). pp. 141–53. Available at: 29 May 2024)